Janina Tauro, LCSW

“i am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”  

– audre lorde

Janina Tauro is dedicated to supporting you in your unraveling.

She specializes in perinatal mental health and its impacts among Black and Brown womxn.

Janina has been a clinical social worker since 2011. Her foundational + professional experience has focused on recognizing how trauma affects the body, along with how it affects your relationship to your self + the world around you.

Janina’s training at Rutgers School of Social Work, along with training in TF-CBT, Child+Parent Psychotherapy, DBT, EMDR, and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, along with continued dedication to reading works by black and brown queer leaders from all of over the world, have helped her create a practice that is affirming, trauma-informed, anti-bias/anti-racist, and providing comprehensive and radical healing.

Her dedication to the black and brown community specifically, is reflected in her clinical practice - she uses books, poetry, art, breath, movement, and community, as a vehicle for communicating, exploring, learning, and processing in the therapeutic setting. This means reclaiming health and healing in a way that creates new narratives, and LOVE.

Janina mostly practices individual and group therapy, while co-managing Holistic Psychotherapy. At other times, she’s teaching at UCONN School of Social Work, lecturing at the Yale School of Medicine - School of Nursing, building mutual aid with the Poderosa Project, community organizing, nurturing her beloved relationships, and mothering 3 children.