Lauren Lavoie, LPC ET

“don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -howard thurman

Lauren is curious about your story and holds space for past, present and future narratives.

She specializes in working with adult womxn who have experienced trauma.

With expert training in Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley University, and continued trauma trainings, Lauren has been decolonizing trauma work since 2008. The alphabet soup in training is incomparable to the time spent with people in their process.

She encourages individuals, and families, to listen: to the body, the mind, the energy within and around you; to be curious, playful, unapologetically authentic, creative, and kind to themselves. She encourages you to acknowledge the speed at which trauma can create an upheaval, and she makes space for you to slow down through creative self-exploration.

Her clinical practice focuses primarily on healing trauma through individual and group models, and engages people in a spiritual, emotional, and physically reflective therapy. Lauren utilizes sound healing, mindfulness, yoga, expressive arts, focusing, EMDR, psychodrama and is developing a deep love and learning for indigenous healing and herbal traditions.

While Lauren primarily practices therapy, she is also co-managing Holistic Psychotherapy, providing supervision to other clinicians, participating in community organizing work, mothering her children, and spending as much time as she can slowing things down by the ocean.